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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

new life

rs cm dh lama je menyepi...
2day is my 3rd day doing my practical at PERWAJA...
new life has begun...
ap yg menarik???
biase je..x de ap yg menarik pn...
ms 1st day masuk hr 2 trs wt keje...
but on da 2nd day plak  x de keje lgsg...hihi
n 2day..cm byk je keje yg nk d buat...
officemate???ok je kot....huhu
bru 3hr kot...x tau leh nk ckp cmn lg...
hopefully ok till da end of my practical training...
n 1 more thing yg buat ak cm cuak ckit coz i've been placed at dept of accounting n finance...
so far ap yg ak wt dlm 3hr nih is all abt accounting...
i'm afraid dat i can't meet their expectation...
ak study business...
ad la ak tau ckit2 psl accounting nih...
stkt debit credit 2 ak tau laa
lbh2 mmg x tau la kn...huhu

1 comment:

MaDihAh said...

ad peluang...ap lg mau tggu...ngeh~